Conformation Handling

Conformation handling classes are for those dogs and handlers preparing to show in conformation. This is a mini class, meaning you can register for a single night or for multiple nights.

Fee: $10 for non members (cost is per class)

Please read all registration information.

We are offering a drop-in conformation handling class at the DMOTC building on Monday, December 9 at 6PM and Monday, December 16 at 6PM.

Please arrive a few minutes early
Bring your dog, a buckle collar (or a show lead if you have it), leash (no retractable leads)
Bring soft treats (more than you think you’ll need!)
BRING COPIES of current vaccinations and rabies certificate (if you haven’t already submitted)
If your dog has any signs of illness, do NOT bring them to class

The State of Iowa is requires that we keep copies of both the rabies certificate and DAPPV vaccination records on file for dogs taking classes in the building. Bring copies that we can keep (or email them in advance). We can only accept vaccination records from a veterinarian.

All dogs over the age of 16 weeks must have a rabies vaccination and certificate. This is a state law we are required to follow.

Please note:
No wolves or wolf hybrids
Persons must be 14 years of age or older to train in class. Family and friends are welcome to observe.
Dogs not registered in a class are not permitted on DMOTC premises.
Prices and class schedules are subject to change without notice.
Sorry, no refunds.
Our classes have both maximum and minimum capacities.

Questions? Email us!